30 May 2016

Imre Lövey and Manohar Nadkarni: How Healthy is Your Organisation

This book published in 2007 discusses the way how joyful, healthy organisations work. Using purposefully the analogy of healthy and ill human organisms, it states that organisations, companies suffer similar effects as a result of illnesses much the same as the human body. When writing about a happy and joyful organisation he describes a healthy organisation, similar to a healthy human body, while listing the possible symptoms for illnesses, he also suggests methods of organisational treatment.

Dedicating a separate chapter on organisational paranoia (lack of trust and fear), its symptoms and its consequence, it explains the essence of workaholism in an organisation, where over-time is classed as something heroic, another example he mentions is an organisational short-sightedness, occuring when for the sake of quick, immediate results long-term planning and stategic thinking disappears.
The book continually seeks how the experience at a workplace may contribute to the creative joy (which is actually the organisational "flow"), listing the typical traps that can hamper this process.
Its main message is if people feel being part of bigger picture, they will generously devote their knowledge and abilities, and engross themselves selflessly in the given activity, and enjoy the joy of self-actualisation.
The task of a leader is not just setting priorities, and producing profits. In a healthy atmosphere, employees are adaptive, handle challenges well, carry out tasks with care, contributing to the success and results of the company, without suffering, or sacrificing their private lives.

This book gives valuable and detailed advice to achieve it. Work is to be a source of joy; experiencing joy while working will result in greater productivity, will provide a sense of freedom and self-actualisation; resulting always great achievements coming from full hearts and souls.

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